A Supplemental Feeding Guide
For many of us, observing the colorful array of birds in our backyard is a joyous experience. Discovering the diverse diets of our feathered friends is a fascinating journey that provides insights into how to attract a diverse array of species visiting your feeders. Our chart breaks down the various types of seeds that appeal to different species, helping you tailor your feeder offerings to help turn your backyard into a haven for our feathered friends and support thriving, healthy bird populations.
Naturally Foraged Food Sources
Explore the diverse and nutritious foods that birds find in their natural habitats. From fruits, seeds, insects, and small invertebrates, this comprehensive guide sheds light on the array of naturally foraged foods that sustain our feathered friends. By understanding and incorporating these elements into our bird-friendly spaces, we can create environments that support the overall well-being of wild bird populations.